Restauração neoliberal e o esgotamento histórico de formas consagradas de resistência


  • Eduardo Sá Barreto


In this paper, we try to explore the idea that the constituent elements of what is understood as the developmental state are no longer a real alternative (even latently) in the current stage of capitalist society. In addition, an almost direct implication of this is explored: resistance to neoliberal hegemony no longer has certain traditional adherence and support points based on structures typical of the welfare states of the twentieth century and Keynesian-inspired economic policies. In order to advance this reasoning, we try to address the following questions: What do development  authors say? What does the history of development experiences tell us? How does the left relate to these ideas, experiences and their strategic possibilities for the future? How is the Marxist critique positioned and what would be a fruitful repositioning for it?

