Petrobras as productive development agent in Brazil
importance and emptying
Petrobras, linkages, input-outputAbstract
For a large part of Petrobras’ trajectory, the vertical integration strategy and the use of the company as a spearhead to serve the purpose of the Brazilian government were present. However, starting from the Michel Temer Administration, it is possible to perceive reorientation of the country’s government policy towards oil sector. The new agenda that emerges is characterized by the divestments of its assets downstream from the oil chain and by the emptying of the local content policy. The purpose of this article is to analyze the role played by the refining sector – one of the targets of the divestment policy and concerning which the company practically has a monopoly today – for the Brazilian economy. To achieve this objective, the input-output analysis method is employed, based on the calculation of its linkage indices and employment and product multipliers. The results corroborate the important role of the refining sector, in terms of productive chains, the potential for product generation and employment. Thus, it is argued here that, when selling Petrobras assets, the Brazilian state will be divesting itself of one of the most important mechanisms for mobilizing the economy still under its reach.
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