Transitions from Capitalism to Socialism and/or Post-Capitalism in the 21st Century

a brief summary of the debate


  • Eduardo Martins Ráo União das Instituições de Serviço, Ensino e Pesquisa (Unisepe)


capitalism, post-capitalism, socialism, transition, crisis


The aim of this paper is to provide a brief summary of the debate about the theories that set out to critically reflect on the transition processes from capitalism to socialism and / or post-capitalism in the 21st century. In view of a wide range of studies and analysts, we proceeded with the delimitation of five approaches that we consider to be the main contributions found in the literature and in the public discussion. Therefore, the most fundamental aspects of the theses inscribed in the theoretical positions of digital socialism, post-capitalism, self-managing socialism, ecosystem-socialism and post-capital socialism will be presented. It is also important to make explicit the differences between the authors in terms of thinking about the transition to socialism / post-capitalism in the 21st century from the point of view of the role attributed to the development of the productive forces, as well as the perspectives on the needs of transformations in the
form of the state and the market and, above all, the effectiveness or not of a revolution for the suppression of capitalism itself.


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