Theory of labour value

living labour as an alternative to physiological and value-form interpretations


  • Patrick Galba de Paula Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)


The purpose of this paper is to present an interpretation of the Marxist theory of labour-value that differs from the traditional and physiological interpretation of value as labour embodied into commodities at the time of production, and from the interpretation that goes back to Rubin’s work (or a certain reading of his work), which sees the quantitative determination of value through the market (circulation) – or by the emergence of an exchange-oriented type of production. In this alternative interpretation, it is the living labour, the socially necessary labour for the reproduction of a commodity at the moment of its exchange, that quantitatively determines the commodity’s value, while abstract labour is the result of the reduction of the labour process to a moment of the capital valorisation movement, characteristic of the capitalist era. After exposing this interpretation, a critical assessment of previous interpretations is presented.


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