o desenvolvimento verde na China
It’s been a while that issues concerning green development are on the agenda between government officials and economists. The environmental problems are intrinsically connected to social issues, such as improving the quality of life, education and health. China is still the world’s most polluting country, responsible for approximately 27% of global greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, in recent years it has become a reference when it comes to eco-innovation. It turns out that, in its early stages, green industry would hardly emerge naturally through market forces, being necessary an active state participation. This article consists of a narrative literature review and document review, with the main objective of analyzing the recent process of green innovation in China, from the year 2011. For this, it seeks to: understand the definition of the entrepreneurial state; understand what would be a green industrial revolution and the importance of the State in this context; evaluate Chinese government policies and positions and see how they fit into the concept of a green entrepreneurial state. The main conclusions established here are that the Chinese government acts as an entrepreneurial State, consciously and intentionally, having a vision that development occurs through structural changes and innovation and proposing to promote industrial modernization based on scientific innovation, guide the flow of investments, talent and technology to companies, instigate the strategic union of R&D and production, and generate an increase in the competitiveness of the industrial nucleus.
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