
  • Sávio Paulo UFF


This text analyzes formulations of important authors from Marxist tradition, arguing that the Marxian dialectical procedure has epistemological validity not only for the understanding of society, but also for the apprehension of the legalities inherent in the nature sphere. Within this tradition, Engels stands out as a forerunner in defending this perspective. The fact is that Engelsian theses were used in such a way as to legitimize several attitudes that are at least controversial during the historical path through which Marxist thought goes. Lukács is also consolidated as an important thinker on this issue. In his youth, the author took a stand against the validity of dialectics in nature, directing substantial criticisms of Engels and Second International theorists. In his maturity, Lukács recognizes that he had mistakenly overlooked the fundamental role played by nature within the theory developed by Marx, presenting in a sophisticated way, especially in the volumes of Ontology, a series of categories that underlie dialectical processes in different spheres of being.


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