Limites lógicos da tese do capitalismo cognitivo


  • Iderley Colombini IE-UFRJ


This article critically analyzes the theses of the 'cognitive capitalism' approach, with the intention of discussing and analyzing the consequences of new forms of knowledge-based work. Through the notion of cognitive work, the authors defended a supposed rupture of the value/work relationship with a greater tendency of rentism in the current forms of capitalism. However, despite the intention of constituting a reference of high theoretical rigor, the various studies within the thesis of cognitive capitalism start from a misunderstanding of the labor theory of value and the notion of abstract labor in Marx, which implies a series of confusions about current concrete social processes. In this way, the article aims to critically analyze the theoretical arguments of the 'cognitive capitalism' thesis to reinterpret the implications of current forms of work in capitalism.

Author Biography

Iderley Colombini, IE-UFRJ

Doutorando e Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGE/UFRJ) e graduado pela Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP).


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