Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century, de John Smith.
Palabras clave:
crise capitalista, superexploração, cadeias produtivas globais, reestruturação produtivaResumen
Resenha: “Imperialism in The Twenty-First Century: globalization, super-exploitation, and capitalism’s final crisis”, de John Smith.
BARAN, Paul. A.; SWEEZY, Paul M. Monopoly Capital: an essay on the American economic and social order. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1966, 401p.
FOSTER, John Bellamy. The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism: an elaboration of Marxian Political Economy. New York: Montly Review Press, 1986, 280p.
MAGDOFF, Harry. Imperialism: from the colonial age to the present. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978, 279p.
MÉSZÁROS, István. Para Além do Capital: rumo a uma teoria da transição. 1ª Ed. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2002, 1096p.
SMITH, John. Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: globalization, super-exploitation, and capitalism’s final crisis. New York, Monthly Review Press, 2016, 382p.