Uneven and combined development as a methodological tool
A dynamic approach after a dialogue between Kondratiev and Trotsky
Palabras clave:
technological revolutions; center-periphery divide; varieties of capitalism; expansion of global capitalism, revoluções tecnológicas; divisão centro-periferia; variedades de capitalismo; expansão do capitalismo globalResumen
This paper suggests that Trotsky's elaboration on uneven and combined development can be a methodological tool to understand contemporary capitalism. A dialogue with Kondratiev is a starting point, as each new technological revolution creates a new level of unevenness. Technological revolutions also transform channels through which combination takes place. As both unevenness and combination change over time, it is possible to have a dynamic approach to the process of uneven and combined development. This dynamic approach is a methodology to investigate how new amalgams between modern and archaic forms shape varieties of capitalism at the periphery and transform the global dynamic of capitalism.
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