O igualitarismo em Adam Smith
uma interpretação com base na controvérsia entre reconstrução histórica e reconstrução racional
Adam Smith, egalitarianism, historical reconstruction, rational reconstruction, History of Economic ThoughtAbstract
The main objective of this article is to verify whether the new literature on the work of Adam Smith offers grounds or not to affirm that the author was an egalitarian or at least if there are traces of egalitarianism in his work. The research procedure used consists of a critical analysis of international literature, especially that related to the so-called “new wave of interpretation by Adam Smith” and his critics. Great attention is paid to the different methodological approaches to interpretations, characterized by historical reconstruction and rational reconstruction. Indeed, there are egalitarian traits in Smith, but these do not seem to justify Adam Smith's claim to be egalitarian, at least not the kind of egalitarianism (closer to the marxist tradition) that involves equality in the distribution of wealth, but normative egalitarianism, of a moral nature.
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