Política Externa e Bloco no Poder

a Fiesp na crise do governo Dilma


  • Tatiana Berringer UFABC
  • Tuany Alves Nascimento


The article analyzes the relationship between the interests of the domestic bourgeoisie and foreign policy in the political crisis of Dilma Rousseff's government. Using the Poulantzian theoretical framework, we investigated the class conflicts and class fractions that led to the crumbling of the neo-developmentalist front and the division of the domestic bourgeoisie in the face of the 2016 impeachment process. We focused on the actions of the São Paulo State Federation of Industries (Fiesp), questioning the reasons that drove the entity to carry out a campaign in favor of the president's impeachment. We concluded that Fiesp, under Paulo Skaf's presidency, reoriented its international demands, attracted by the orthodox neoliberal front. That is because the entity began to represent more of the interests of the mid-capital and also because, in the face of the new international context, the entity adhered to the false idea of the country's isolation. The entity became interested in the agenda of neoliberal reforms (labor, social security, etc.) or the reduction of the "Brazil Cost" to allow a supposedly competitive international insertion, a position it had already expressed in the early 1990s. This conception links to its dependency and political-ideological weakness as a class fraction. 

