A tese da estagnação secular e a tendência decrescente da taxa de lucro
uma comparação entre a abordagem ortodoxa e a marxista
estagnação secular, marginalismo, marxismoAbstract
This work investigate the thesis of secular stagnation from two economic perspectives: the orthodox theory and the Marxist theory. In the orthodox approach, the main author analyzed is Lawrence Summers, who argues that secular stagnation in industrialized countries is a result of a negative real interest rate at full employment equilibrium. On the other hand, in the Marxist approach, the main author analyzed is Eleutério Prado, who argues that secular stagnation in industrialized countries is a consequence of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. It is argued that the orthodox approach is not only the current recognition of a problem already highlighted by Marxist theory, but also that its analysis is incapable of correctly identifying the cause of the phenomenon and, therefore, of giving it an effective and lasting economic policy.
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